project physical health
Week 6, 2025 , hosting Sykkylven, Buzau, Pamlona and Riga.
Study on the influence of daily physical activity, physical activity during leisure time and sleep habits on physical fitness in European population of adolescents aged 16 to 18 years.
Study format
1. Students will take several physical tests. The test battery consists of 11 different tests. 10 tests will test lower and upper limb strength and fitness. With the Shuttle run test (Léger test), we will measure fitness.
2. Students will anonymously complete a questionnaire that gauges some general data, physical activity and sleep patterns.
3. Statistical analysis of the results.
4. Writing a conclusion and publishing the results.
5. Using the conclusion to inspire other students at our school to exercise more and develop healthier sleep patterns.
Time table project work
Tuesday 04/02 (Meeting in Forum at 8.15 h. )
8.45 h. - 10.05 h. : Eurofit physical test. Location : Sportzaal
10.20 h. : Shuttle run test 1 : Belgian students. Location : Sportzaal
10.50 h. : Shuttle run test 2: European visiting students. Location : Sportzaal
Wednesday 05/02
8.45 h. : Completing questionnaire. Location: Forum
9.15 h. : Statistical Analysis: Location Forum
10.20 -11.25 h. : Conclusion and report. Location Forum
Thursday 06/02
8.45 - 11.20 h. : Making the promotional video
13.00 -14.00 h. : Preparing the "enjoy movement" market. Location: sportzaal.
14.00 - 16.00 h. : "Enjoy movement" market. Location: sportzaal.
Working method and practical arrangments.
1. Eurofit physical test.
General outline:
There are 2 circuits ( circuit I and circuit II) where there are 10 physical tasks each time. Your group starts at a particular task and moves on to the next task. For example, start at task II.3 (circuit II task 3) and then move on to II.4, then II.5,.... . You have 5 minutes and 30 seconds for each assignment. There is 1 minute each time to advance and organise yourself to complete the assignment.
Beware circuit II has a break, "R"(est). Slide-through system ...-> II.8 -> II.9 -> II.10 -> R -> II.1 -> II.2 -> ...
Note: work organised and quickly, as time is tight on some assignments.
How to proceed.
1. Check which group you are in. Check the list.
2. Find out which assignment and circuit you are starting with. Check the list.
3. The circuits start at 9am sharp.
4. Make sure you have writing materials and score sheet.
2. Shuttle run test
General outline
The shuttle run
Serie 1
starts at 10.20 h.
end at 10.45 h.
Participants: Belgian students
Serie 2
start at 10.50h
End at 11.15h.
Participants: European students.
3. Statistical analysis.
General outline:
The analysis of the physical test and the questionnaire is done by finding links between the different questions from the questionnaire and the physical results. For example: Do students who joined a sports club score better on some tests and can we draw conclusions from that?
Thus, we formulated six hypotheses. But since we want to exclude the influence of gender on physical outcomes, we had to formulate 12 hypotheses. So six for each gender.
Male students who have higher daily physical activity will score better on the physical tests.
Male students who spend longer time sitting in a day will score lower on the physical tests.
Male students who have more hours of physical education in their curriculum will score better on their physical tests.
Male students who are more physically active during their free time will score better on their physical tests.
Male students who sleep more hours per day will score better on their physical tests.
Male students with more regular sleep patterns will score better on their physical tests.
Female students who have higher daily physical activity will score better on their physical tests.
Female students who spend longer time sitting in a day will score lower on the physical tests.
Female students who have more hours of physical education in their curriculum will score better on their physical tests.
Female students who are more physically active during their free time will score better on their physical tests.
Female students who have more hours of sleep per day will score better on their physical tests.
Female students with more regular sleep patterns will score better on their physical tests.
How to proceed.
Check the list to see who you are working with and which hypothesis your group needs to check.
Gather your group at a table.
Copy the data sheet you can find below.
The title of your data sheet is the hypothesis question your group should check.
4. Conclusion and report
How to proceed?
Gather at your meeting table to present your results and formulate your conclusion.
Appoint a webmaster in your group.
Insert your data sheet on the projectsite.
Formulate a conclusion based on your data and some online research that confirms or disconfirms your conclusion.
Making the promotional video
Load up the video here on the projectsite. Subsection inspiration
COACHES – Expectations & Responsibilities
· 32 coaches in total (16 duocoaches: Belgian + exchange)
· Master all games – Know the rules and be able to explain them clearly
· Stay enthusiastic – Keep the energy high and motivate participants
· Encourage positively – Support and uplift your team at all times
· Be aware of your position – Always know where you need to be
· Punctuality matters – Arrive on time and stay organized
· Be proactive – Offer help whenever and wherever needed
· Ensure inclusivity – Make sure everyone feels involved and valued
· Lead by example – Show sportsmanship, teamwork, and respect
· 32 students in total
· Plan your game – Brainstorm and structure your game in advance
· Prepare materials – Ensure you have all necessary equipment ready
· Know the rules – Make sure everyone understands and can explain them clearly
· Coordinate with teammates – Work together for smooth execution
Game Assignments
· Romanian game – Led by 2 students with their exchange student
· Basque game – Led by 2 students with their exchange student
· Latvian game – Led by 2 students with their exchange student Played in the Forum
Norwegian game – Led by 2 students with their exchange student
Flemish games (4) – Led by 8 students with their exchange students One game in the Forum (Jenga, Mikado,…)
Additional Guidelines
· Ensure engagement – Keep players involved and motivated
· Stay organized – Manage time and transitions efficiently
· Encourage teamwork – Create a fun and inclusive atmosphere
· Win or Loss – When do you win?
· 18 students in total
· Stick to the schedule – Keep track of time and ensure smooth transitions
· Prepare a scoreboard – Keep scores visible and updated
· Provide coaching sheets – Every team must have a clear coaching sheet
· Set up the sports hall – Assign a designated space for each game (e.g., half volleyball court per game)
· Implement a TABATA system – Ensure structured timing for exercises
· Organize the break – Plan timing and location for refreshments and rest
· Randanimation – Provide fun and engaging side activities
· Number all fields – Clearly label each game area for easy navigation
· Ensure a smooth rotation system – Create a clear and efficient flow between activity