project physical health

Week 6, 2025 , hosting Sykkylven, Buzau, Pamlona and Riga. 

Study on the influence of daily physical activity, physical activity during leisure time and sleep habits on physical fitness in European population of adolescents aged 16 to 18 years. 

Study format 

1. Students will take several physical tests. The test battery consists of 11 different tests. 10 tests will test lower and upper limb strength and fitness. With the Shuttle run test (Léger test), we will measure fitness.

2. Students will anonymously complete a questionnaire that gauges some general data, physical activity and sleep patterns. 

3. Statistical analysis of the results. 

4. Writing a conclusion and publishing the results

5. Using the conclusion to inspire other students at our school to exercise more and develop healthier sleep patterns. 

Time table project work

Working method and practical arrangments. 

1. Eurofit physical test. 

General outline: 

There are 2 circuits ( circuit I and circuit II) where there are 10 physical tasks each time. Your group starts at a particular task and moves on to the next task. For example, start at task II.3 (circuit II task 3) and then move on to II.4, then II.5,.... . You have 5 minutes and 30 seconds for each assignment. There is 1 minute each time to advance and organise yourself to complete the assignment. 

Beware circuit II has a break, "R"(est). Slide-through system  ...-> II.8 -> II.9 -> II.10 -> R -> II.1 -> II.2 -> ...

Note: work organised and quickly, as time is tight on some assignments. 

How to proceed. 

1. Check which group you are in. Check the list.

2. Find out which assignment and circuit you are starting with.  Check the list.

3. The circuits start at 9am sharp. 

4. Make sure you have writing materials and score sheet. 

2. Shuttle run test 

General outline 

The shuttle run

Serie 1 

Serie 2 

3. Statistical analysis. 

General outline: 

The analysis of the physical test and the questionnaire is done by finding links between the different questions from the questionnaire and the physical results. For example: Do students who joined a sports club score better on some tests and can we draw conclusions from that? 

Thus, we formulated six hypotheses. But since we want to exclude the influence of gender on physical outcomes, we had to formulate 12 hypotheses. So six for each gender. 

How to proceed. 

4. Conclusion and report

How to proceed? 

Load up the video here on the projectsite.  Subsection inspiration 

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Groups assignment Physical Activity Analysis