Participating in an exchange is quite a challenge for every student. Leaving the safe harbor and setting sail for new horizons is always exciting and a bit scary. But, the experience is unparalleled and unforgettable. The reward is corresponding: improving language, communication and IT skills, growing on a personal level, improving confidence and believing in your own abilities. Our school strongly believes in the benefits of mobilities abroad.
Although our school is big, we want to offer this opportunity to every student. That is why we must respect a few priorities.
Participating in the exchange is a commitment to our school, the European school involved, the foreign student and the hospitable family abroad. Making this commitment means that you choose the experience regardless of the destination, who you are travelling with and the activities you will be offered. The school is committed to only offering safe and high-quality exchanges.
We strongly believe that hosting a student and staying abroad with a family is a unique experience. This experience is not comparable to a stay in a hotel. The student gets a unique insight into the daily life of a European family from abroad. Friendships are made that sometimes last a lifetime. Students discover other cultural customs that can only contribute to a broader and more tolerant view of the world and its citizens.
The project work is the central element of our Erasmus work. Based on the needs of our school, we have put forward priorities to work on. With the support of the European Union, we want to improve our school and meet all the challenges of today's world of education. Get to know more about our project.
We challenge our students to go beyond the safe and known environment of their own world. In Europe, we live in a very fortunate part of the world. Although globalization and modern technology have made the world a lot smaller in recent decades.Cultural differences are also partly leveled out. Still, with a little effort we can experience the richness of local cultural habits in any corner of the European continent. Instead of living up to expectations, we want students to find and appreciate the beauty that can be found in every European country.