
together moving to a healthy future

The main objective of our project is to improve the health of our students and staff members. In order to obtain our objective we focus on 4 topics: physical health, mental health and well being, environmental sustainability and participation. 

In order to improve the physical health of our students, we will first investigate the physical condition of all students of the school. Our results will be compared with 3 other European schools,  Sykkylven (Norway), Pamplona (Basque country) and Tartu (Estland). Also, determining factors as nutrition, exercice time, screen time and sleep rhythm will be questioned. Results and leisure experience abroad could be the inspiration for a different exercise culture and measures to improve health at our school. 

Feeling good about yourself is a necessary condition for functioning well. With European inspiration, our school wants to improve accessibility for all and create a pleasant and warm work environment for students as well as staff.  We want to be a school and where people are happy. We want to monitor this with international delegations, local working groups of staff members and students.

Preserving natural resources so that future generations can enjoy the benefits they bring is essential to live a healthy life. Much of environmental sustainability involves balancing the extent to which natural resources are used compared to their availability. Of course, this is a global problem that needs important responsible global decisions, made on scientific research and data. Nevertheless, global problems derive from our own actions. But, on the other hand, solutions will also start by small initiatives from local people. Making students aware of environmental sustainability and its impact on the world we live in is essential to create these opportunities. A community as our school has an enormous potential to make young people aware and inspire them. We hope to do this by optimizing our day-to-day operation and exemplary behavior of our students and staff. Inspiring visits to schools across Europe will help to do this and better understand the complexity of local problems, global impact and possible solutions. 

A lack of motivation is often a major reason why students succeed or fail. Today's youth face numerous challenges in finding the motivation to study. An important reason for a lack of motivation is the lack of autonomy in determining the task ( Zelfdeterminatietheorie, Prof. dr. Vansteenkiste Maarten). In a classic setting of education, the degree of participation is quite small. Our school also stems from that tradition. We want to change this. We want to increase the participation of students by giving them more say and responsibility in projects and activities.